Winter Injury Attorneys

A slip and fall lawsuitice slip injury lawyer is one of the most common types of cases, particularly throughout the winter months. The Philadelphia area has become widely known for the horrible weather conditions we experience during the winter, including ice and snow-covered sidewalks, paths, walkways or streets. All of these conditions make slip and fall accidents more likely to occur.

Whether the ice or snow-covered area that you slipped on was in front of a retail store or the property of your neighbor, the owner of that property neglected to take precautions and prevent an icy surface from forming or  removing the snow, and thus may be responsible for your injury.

Injury from a slip and fall accident can occur if:

  • Ice or snow accumulated outside of a building in unnatural quantities
  • Ice accumulated on the roof, melted, and refroze on the ground below
  • A parking surface is sloped and caused ice to freeze in patches
  • A property owner has neglected to have snow or ice removed from the premises

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in the Philadelphia area, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The Lawyers at the Offices of Glen S. Barry, P.C. understand how difficult it can be to find the right lawyer for your slip and fall case, but our team of experts are prepared to give your case a thorough evaluation.

We will take the time to explain all of your options and the compensation you are entitled to. In most cases, the law states that compensation is to be provided for slip and fall accidents that could have been prevented, particularly when it comes to snow and ice removal.

The Law Offices of Glen S. Barry, P.C. are prepared to represent victims of slip and fall accidents in Philadelphia, PA and the surrounding areas. We guarantee all of our slip and fall clients will speak directly with an attorney to discuss their individual case. Let us handle all of the necessary communication required for each individual case between your insurance company. We will advocate for your case in negotiations, mediation, and litigation required.

If you have been involved a slip and fall accident, time is truly of the essence. Weather conditions can change very quickly, and the site of your injury may be repaired, cleaned up, or wiped free of any pertinent evidence, such as snow or ice, that can be useful towards building your case.

Ensure your case has the right evidence and is dealt with properly and promptly. Contact us today at 1-215-877-HURT (1-215-877-4878) to receive the legal aid you need for your slip and fall caused by ice personal injury case.

And if you were involved in a motor vehicle accident due to snow or ice, we can help as well.